George Lucas…You Win.

I would call myself a fairly avid Star Wars fan. My childhood was chock full of the original trilogy (still the best!), action figures, various ships, and playing with those for hours on end. I would call it the ultimate memory treasure trove for me and my fellow Generation X-ers. But for creator George Lucas, three films wasn’t enough. First, now fifteen years ago, Lucas decided the original trilogy needed a tune-up, because the technology wasn’t available in the late 70s-early 80s for all the elements Lucas wanted, like a mobile Jabba the Hutt. So stupid!

And Lucas didn’t stop at revamping the original films. He wanted to make three new films that set up the original trilogy. I confess, I like both The Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith. Attack of the Clones was useless. Still, fans of the original trilogy, like me, were excited but maybe not quite as excited. Need I remind you of this:

Meeeeesa! (courtesy of Wookiepedia)

Appreciation for Lucas and his creations were starting to fane. Then  this week, the ultimate rape of Star Wars fans was unveiled: the Star Wars game for Kinect. Why rape? I think this clip speaks for itself.

Really, I have no words, do you want more?

Okay, really? Oh what the hell, one more, but you may want to throw hot acid in your face when you see, Darth Vader and the Emperor dance!

Yep, nothing is ever enough for George Lucas. Excuse me while I assume the fetal position in a dark corner.